Sunday for Children



 We are excited to welcome all children, infants - 5th grade, on Sunday mornings.

We offer three programs for children on Sunday mornings beginning at 9:30 a.m.

Nursery - Infant through Pre-K

Kingdom Kids - Kindergarten through 3rd grade

The Four-Five - 4th and 5th grade

During the 10:45 a.m. worship service, a Children’s Worship Service for children in grades K-3 is offered most Sundays. They begin the worship service with their parents in the sanctuary and are then released to go to Children’s Worship prior to the sermon. They will return to their parents near the end of the service, following Communion. 

News & Updates

Kingdom Kids (Grades K-3) Sunday School is located on the FIRST FLOOR.

Before arriving

  1. Review our self-screening checklist.

  2. If you have a child who will be in the nursery, please label everything you are bringing–bags, drinks, extra clothes, etc.

  3. Familiarize yourself with Intown’s updated policies and procedures.

On Sunday morning

  1. Upon arrival, you will check in at one of three check-in locations (listed below). You can check in beginning as early as 9:15 a.m. and all of your children can be checked in at one time.

    -Main Nursery desk (1st floor)

    -Sunday School kiosk (1st floor classroom hallway)

    -Four-Five (2nd floor classroom hallway)

  2. Once you have checked in, please place the name label on your child and keep the security label to check your child out after the services are complete.

  3. Sunday School classes for grades K–3 is held on the first floor.

  4. Fourth and fifth graders meet on the 2nd floor classroom wing.

  5. At 10:30 a.m., all Sunday School children (K-3) will be led downstairs to the designated area to be picked up by their parent(s). Please be prompt.

Volunteers are always needed

If you’d like to assist with caring for and teaching our covenant children at Intown, please click the button below and let us know. There are many different volunteer opportunities in our Sunday morning Children’s Ministry, so we can identify an opportunity that’s both a good fit for you and for the ministry.


Intown Policies and Procedures

Self-Screening Checklist

Toddlers and 2's Helper: What to Expect

Infants and Pre-Toddlers Helper: What to Expect


Kelly Bell - Director of Children’s Ministry

Robin Lamb - Sunday School & Children’s Worship Coordinator

Sutton Boling - Nursery Coordinator